Global Opportunities Fund - DXE Fund
Fund Launch
May 2012 DXE (US$) and DXE (€), June 2021 Opportunities Plus (USD)
Global Opportunities is designed for experienced investors who, while happy to take a broader more diversified approach to portfolio management, seek to achieve above average market returns.
The DXE USD and DXE EURO Funds follow the same Global Trends investment philosophy of all Dominion funds and follows a very similar asset allocation strategy to our Managed Fund. However, where Managed Fund is a more generic fund designed for low volatility and long term results, the DXE Funds, add a further and much more sophisticated dimension to the investment strategy with the inclusion of synthetic leverage, where appropriate.
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The Opportunities Plus Fund will invest in a range of Dominion collective investment schemes, all with a global equity mandate, consistent with the investment objectives of the Fund, along with cash and near cash instruments. Consequently the Fund has a global investment strategy with an aim of medium to long term growth. Leverage will not be utilized in the Fund.

A Global Portfolio

Global Opportunities looks at the world from a macroeconomic perspective, and applies our Global Trends investment philosophy to find lucrative, long-term, investment opportunities that are a direct result of certain trends which are changing our world.

As a result, the investment portfolio of Global Opportunities is very diverse and includes a spectrum of investments sectors that can include technology, healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure and consumer spending, to name just a few. As such the fund is unrestrained by sector or geography, offering a flexible and diversified portfolio that changes over time, in sync with the world.

Investment Manager
Christian Cole, CFA
Head of Equity Strategy
Christian Cole, CFA
Fund Performance and Prices as at: 07/03/2025
Fund Share Price 1 Month 3 Months YTD 1 Year 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years Launch
DXE EUR €125.6648 -7.40% -3.71% -3.85% 3.03% 1.62% -1.24% 9.23% 25.66%
DXE USD $131.6590 -5.77% -2.24% -1.86% 3.59% 3.67% -2.68% 8.38% 31.66%

Performance as at the publication date. Performance data supplied by Zeta Fund Services Limited.

Calendar Year Performance
  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
DXE EUR 16.14% -27.24% 9.67% 0.91% 34.67%


11.16% -6.56% 7.49%
DXE USD 18.47% -28.23% 6.45% 3.52% 34.05%


18.97% -5.13% -5.98%


  • {{currency}}
  • Fund Name

    Dominion Global Opportunities Fund PCC Limited - DXE (US$), DXE (€) and Opportunities Plus (USD)

  • Launch Date


  • Fund Manager

    Dominion Fund Management Limited (“DFML”), Guernsey, Channel Islands. DFML is regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.

  • Investment Advisor

    Christian Cole. Pacific Asset Management ("PAM"). London, United Kingdom.  Pacific Asset Management is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Dominion Fund Managers appointed PAM as investment advisor to their Maltese and Guernsey fund ranges.  Under the arrangement, PAM will undertake research on asset selection; provide asset allocation recommendations, provide investment advice, policy guidance and assistance on the development of the overall strategy for the investment of assets in accordance with the funds’ investment objectives, strategies and restrictions. 

  • Fund Structure

    Dominion Global Opportunities Fund PCC Limited is an authorised Class B open ended collective investment scheme incorporated as a protected cell company limited by shares under the laws of Guernsey.

  • Regulation

    Dominion Global Opportunities Fund PCC Limited, regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission with registration number 54967.

Investment Manager
Christian Cole, CFA
Head of Equity Strategy
Christian Cole, CFA
Trading Frequencies
Share Class DXE USD  Opportunities Plus USD 
Frequency Weekly Daily
Switching Yes Yes
Fund Charges
Share Class DXE USD Opportunities Plus USD
Initial Charge No No
Annual Charge 1.50% p.a. of Net Asset Value of the Fund 0.50% p.a. of Net Asset Value of the Fund
Switching Charge No No
Performance Fee No No
Exit Charge No No
Minimum Investment
Share Class DXE USD Opportunities Plus USD
Minimum Investment USD 25,000* USD 10,000*

*May be waived at the discretion of the Directors

*Smaller amounts may be accepted from Institutional Investors at Directors discretion.

Dealing and Tracking Codes
Share Class DXE USD
ISN Code GG00B81T0M36
Bloomberg Ticker DEXFUSD GU
EMX Participant ID Not available via EMX


Share Class Opportunities Plus USD
Bloomberg Ticker DOLOPUA GU
EMX Participant ID Not available via EMX
Trading Frequencies
Share Class DXE EUR
Frequency Weekly
Switching Yes
Fund Charges
Share Class DXE EUR
Initial Charge No
Annual Charge 1.50% p.a. of Net Asset Value of the Fund
Switching Charge No
Performance Fee No
Exit Charge No
Minimum Investment
Share Class DXE EUR
Minimum Investment EUR 25,000*

*May be waived at the discretion of the Directors.

*Smaller amounts may be accepted from Institutional Investors at Directors discretion.

Dealing and Tracking Codes
Share Class DXE EUR
ISN Code DX EUR - GG00B81T0455
Bloomberg Ticker DEXEURO GU
EMX Participant ID Not available via EMX
Trading Frequencies
Fund Charges
Minimum Investment

*Smaller amounts may be accepted from Institutional Investors at Directors discretion.

Dealing and Tracking Codes


EPIC Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited, Suite 8, Fourth Floor, Windsor House, Le Pollet, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1WF

Tel: + 44 (0) 1481 748955 | Fax: + 44 (0) 1481 748956 |


Peresec International Limited of North Suite, First Floor, Regency Court, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1WW

Correspondence & Queries

EPIC Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited, Suite 8, Fourth Floor, Windsor House, Le Pollet, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1WF

Tel: + 44 (0) 1481 748955 | Fax: + 44 (0) 1481 748956 |

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