
The World is Becoming Irrevocably Digital

The unique marriage between technological advancement and demographics, two of strongest forces throughout human history, make the Digital World an inevitability.

The World is Becoming Irrevocably Digital

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The unique marriage between technological advancement and demographics, two of strongest forces throughout human history, make the Digital World an inevitability.

At the technological heart of the digital world is the ability to be online wherever and whenever is needed. This ‘always connected’ behaviour necessarily expands beyond just humans. It also means machines and objects being connected to the internet.

Over the next four years the number of connected devices will more than double to 62 billion, with two-thirds of humanity also expected to be connected to the internet by 2024. Soon, the whole world, including most objects, will be online and each additional connection increases the reach, scope, and functionality of the digital world, making it an unavoidable trend.

Any technology that exists when people are born becomes normal to that generation. To the Millennials and Gen-Z generations, whose formative years came with the rise of the internet and an ever-increasing offering of digital services, the Digital World is not a distant destination or even a new concept; it is real, and it exists today as their way of life.

They are what we call the Digital Natives. Already more 40% of new couples in the United States met online through online dating platforms, while there are now more than 3.2 billion social media users worldwide.

The Digital Natives will over time become the dominant demographic globally. Already now more than 60% of the total world population, by 2030 these generations will represent 65% of the global adult population and will be the dominant force in consumption.

The course of their lives will see them use an ever-increasing array of digital services, not less. It is only a matter of time before the Digital Natives become the world’s dominant adult population group, making a Digital World a demographic inevitability.


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